Saturday, November 05, 2011

Surveying the damage

Cleaned stalls today and took a walk down to the pond to survey the damage from the SnoTober storm there, the 18" of heavy sticky snow did quite a bit of damage.  The only good thing is it's warming up so it's melting the snow fast.

We have Pines broken, a lot of the Ironwood is oddly bent over as are the Pussywillows, we lost about 40% of the Poplars the trees crown is still there though so we should be ok. (I am curious about the 8 or so seedlings we put in a month ago).  The Apples and plums didn't fair so well, looks like we'll lose more than 1/2 of the orchard one of the Apples is tipped right out of the ground.  Most of the shrubs in the yard are cracked and broken we'll have to wait a year or two to see if they survive.

All of my Kale broke off and is shriveling in the garden.

The small paddock is torn down as the weight of the snow on the wire literally broke the 4X4" posts taking the back gate with it.  The main field appears to have fared better with some bent posts and wire down but looks like we'll be able to fix the damage easily.

Replaced the blower on the pellet stove today.  $160 later we're back in business.

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