Saturday, November 19, 2011

Spring already? The Catalogs arrive!

WOW, SPRING Has sprung in NH early this year. And I thought the stray seed catalog or two I would normally receive in January was early.

Stokes is on the ball this year and is officially the first seed catalog to hit my coffe table this year.

Nice glossy catalog, I find it's easier to wipe the drool off (the Dogs not mine...) of the glossy pages.

They are sporting some interesting Stuff this year as well and we'll look hard at the following for inclusion in the Sanborn 2012 gardens.
295H Mini Orange Hubbard should be easier to find than the blue.
306J Sunshine looks good too. High Vitamin, great flavor, Stores well. I'm in!
They have a Cat in the Hat book called "Oh say can you Seed?" that the twins will like I think.
267Z Archimedes a blocky Green to red pepper that looks promising.
Rose will like the flower selection in this catalog.

High Mowing Organic Seeds
I also received a catalog from High Mowing Organic Seeds as well.
Nice catalog, non-glossy, their heirloom tomato selection intrigued me, they also have a lot (Yes a LOT) of specialty green I'd like to try.

3058 Indigo Rose a fine looking jet black skinned tomato.
3040 Gilbertie also looks like a tomato to try this year. Looks a lot like the polish sausage I tried this year that a late summer storm took out. (We'll be staking the tomatoes with two or three steel stakes this year).
2925 Baby Blue Hubbard is similar to the Mini Blue we grew this year did well we'll try them again they seem to store well too.
2520 Lacinato (Dinosaur) Kale is one we'll try.

Two great catalogs already, let the 2012 garden planning begin!
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